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Crowded Pilsners great new look.....but why?

Our humble little lager, Crowded Pilsner has been given a great new look, but we aren't doing it for the sake of it. Here's a few words on why......
McColl's Brewery - Crowded - Pilsner - Lager
We feel pretty passionately about our beers, who they appeal to, what they stand for and how accessible they are, Crowded more so. Originally brewed to celebrate the reopening of our taproom, post covid, after an amazing crowdfunder that saw the local community rally around us. It has now become our best-selling beer, in the taproom, on our website, out to pubs, restaurants, and the rest....and its universal, easy drinking, lager qualities are fundimental to that.
Crowded - Pilsner - Lager
Then it went and won a Great Taste Award, and that got us thinking, we should probably be a bit more prouder of it, it's a great beer, its a humble lager that people enjoy, quite alot. And it's not a complicated beer, it's a beer that you can just enjoy, that you don't have to feel anxious about choosing at the bar or out of the fridge. So we have made the changes to Crowdeds branding to communicate its great taste qualities, its simple easy drinking qualities but also that its an easily recognisable lager, so that everyone can feel happy and confident in choosing it.
It's a lager, a great tasting lager that we are now very proud of. We want all of you to enjoy it.
We hope you like what we've done.
Crowded - Pilsner - Lager

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